The Biological Sciences Greenhouse Facility supports undergraduate, graduate and faculty research in the areas of population ecology, systematics and evolutionary biology, genetics and biotechnology, physiology and toxicology, medical entomology, molecular biology, integrated pest management and biological control.
Research Space
The facility offers a variety of plant growth spaces to meet the needs of our researchers. The facility has individually computer controlled greenhouse rooms in three sizes: large 24' X 40', medium 24' X 20', and small 10' X 12'.
Research Room Features
- Medium and large rooms have rolling aisle benching if desired.
Small rooms have fixed aisle benches if desired. - Hot and cold domestic water and pre-proportioned fertilizer water.
- Height adjustable HID lighting, minimum 400w metal halides.
- Hot water perimeter heat.
- Evaporative cooling.
- Shade cloth if desired.
- Medium and large rooms have horizontal air flow fans.
- Programmable environmental controls which collect environmental data.
- Sensor with screen readout of current temperature, humidity and PAR light level.
There are five growth chambers located in the headhouse for use by genetics researchers. There is one growth chamber and a drying oven in the headhouse belonging EEOB.

All users must complete the WPS training course as required by the US EPA. Visit the Worker Protection Standard (WPS)-Worker training via Ohio State's Environmental Health and Safety website.
New Users
Investigators new to the facility and current researchers with new staff or students should schedule an appointment with facility staff for a brief tour and introduction to the facility and its amenities.